As today was wrapping up, video game hype man Geoff Keighley posted a photo of him and a giant Crash Bandicoot mascot in front of a large house. Both are wearing masks.
I have some questions.
Where did they get that mask?
I can’t imagine you can just go to a local Walmart or even jump over to Amazon to buy a mask this big. It also seems to be a real mask and not something that has been photoshopped on to Crash after the fact. I assume this mask was custom made if so...
Who made it?
Did Geoff have a close friend who loves sewing and he reached out to him or her and was like “I need a large black mask before the end of next week. Can do you do that..?” I have no idea how I would respond to that question, but evidently someone decided to build this strange and somber item.
Where is the mask being stored now?
This photo was taken at least a few hours (or more likely days ago) so where is this mask now? Is Geoff holding on to it as some strange collector item? Will it be sold later for charity? Or is Crash still wearing it for safety? Which has me thinking...
Does a Bandicoot even NEED a mask?
According to Google, it seems not a lot of research has been done on how or if COVID-19 can affect a bandicoot. I’ll update this post if a study comes out later with more info.

How much did it cost?
Maybe it was a favor? Or did Geoff use some of his personal money to help buy this thing? I’m guessing if this is a custom mask made out of cheap, black fabric it can’t have cost more than $200 for labor and material. But I’ve also never built a giant mask for a mascot.
Who’s house is that in the background?
It seems nice. Good for them.
Is Geoff really wearing camo shorts?
I guess it is hot out, but camo shorts and a white shirt? Come on Geoff. Come on.
Is the performer inside the suit also wearing a mask too?
I hope so. Not to burst any bubbles here, but Crash isn’t a real living creature. This is just a suit. So there is a person inside this suit. Is this person wearing a mask? That seems hot. I hope they only took one photo and then they got to remove the head and cool down.
Is this going to be a skin available in Crash Bandicoot 4?
Probably not. But stranger things have happened. Like this photo of Crash and Geoff wearing matching masks to tease a video game event during a global pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.