The outside world doesn't know a whole lot about what is really going on in North Korea—how the people actually live…
Starting today, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Sports Resort are just $29.99 each. That's the value equivalent of paying $10 for a non-first-party Wii game. Imagine how cheap they'll be when the Wii U's successor has been out for almost a year!
This November, Nintendo is rolling out a new bundle in Japan. The white or black Nintendo Wii will come with a…
In Japan, Nintendo is releasing new hardware bundles this month, and a new hardware color next.
Last year, Nintendo released Wii Sports Resort, and the bundle featured the Wii MotionPlus add-on. But in 2010,…
Are you the best Wii gamer in the country? Nintendo gives you a chance to prove your mettle in the first-ever Wii…
Like a box of Cheerios, boxes for Wii, Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort will soon feature a seal of approval from…
The black Wii console, which we already knew was coming, has today been officially revealed by Nintendo of America.…
GameStop stores' monthly poster shipment includes this lovely advertisement for the rumored black Nintendo Wii,…
When will North American Wii owners finally have a sleek black console that matches their black Wii Remote, Nunchuk…
No disc - game, CD, DVD, whatever - sold more in 2009 than Modern Warfare 2, in the U.K. anyway, where the game…
The average amount of time a person plays New Super Mario Bros. is climbing quickly and could catch Super Mario…
You know, pop-culture referencing television show Lost isn't the only form of entertainment that includes island…
Amazon continues to dole out the savings, Gold Box style, with Nintendo Wii games going fast all day long. How…
With a new Super Mario Bros. title to tide fans over, and plenty of third-party software, this year's Wii offering…
As if the mall couldn't be any scarier this holiday season, Nintendo is setting a Nintendo Holiday Mall Experience…
As seen on Coffee With Games via the Go Nintendo blog. Me, I'm loving Wii Fit Plus — but I don't own Sports Resort…
At present, you buy Wii Sports Resort for $50, you get the game and a single MotionPlus accessory. But next month,…
Wii Sports Resort's dodecathlon includes events such as skydiving, sword-fighting and ping-pong. But there were a…