This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Bandai's annual Tamashii Nations figure event steamrolls Tokyo. Do you like…
From the outside, that is. It looks like a bail bonds office or a place you could cash check or maybe even pawn a…
Well, it's name. Fans of professional American sports will be used to seeing stadiums named after companies.…
Five years ago, Akihiro Hino was coming off designing, writing, producing and directing two role-playing games,…
There's an old translator's joke that goes something like this: If you literally translated what is said when a…

The opening for the NieR's Japanese version is subdued. The music is relaxing. It's a bit like watching fish swim.
Level-5, the Fukuoka-based developer behind Professor Layton and White Knight Chronicles, is loving the Japanese…
The latest entry in PS3 exclusive series White Knight Chronicles won't be coming to Sony's home console. It will…
The PSP, healthier as a platform in Japan than anywhere else, is still the portable of choice for many in its native…
PS3 role-playing game White Knight Chronicles is coming to the PSP.

Role playing game White Knight Chronicles 2 is the upcoming sequel to White Knight Chronicles 1. Here is the…

This brand new look at the sequel to Level 5's so-so Japanese role-playing game certainly looks to ramp up the…
Level-5, the Fukuoka-based developer behind the Professor Layton puzzle series, is working on a new game. A new…
Players who tore through the content of Sony's epic PlayStation 3 role-playing game White Knight Chronicles should…

I've a feeling my time with White Knight Chronicles would have been a great deal more entertaining had these folks…
Level-5, superdevelopers of Professor Layton, White Knight Chronicles, Dark Cloud and recent Dragon Quest games,…
White Knight Chronicles: International Edition presents the classic coming-of-age tale of a teenager learning what…
Level 5's White Knight Chronicles, a previously Japan-only title, is to be released in the US early next year. Want…
I have written all but one of the Tokyo Game Show posts I still needed to get to this week. I've had little time to…
One of the creators of White Knight Chronicles, the upcoming PlayStation 3 role-playing game, just wanted to know…