Minimum is going to be free to play this weekend, Atari announced today. You can try to snag a code for the neat-looking shooter the publisher rescued from TimeGate's untimely closure over at GamePedia's wiki for the game. Learn more about the game here. Read more
When Aliens: Colonial Marines co-developer TimeGate Studios shut down, my first concern was for the gorgeously…
Timegate studios, the co-developers of the awful Aliens: Colonial Marines, are in serious financial trouble. Filing…
TimeGate, the studio Gearbox tapped to complete the neglected Aliens: Colonial Marines, turns its attention from…
In 11 weeks, players of the PC and Xbox Live Arcade shooter Section 8: Prejudice have air-dropped their…
Fans of Timegate Studios downloadable shooter Section 8: Prejudice should be pleased with the change of scenery…
A combined ten million Xbox 360 and PC kills in two weeks has unlocked Assault Mode for Section 8: Prejudice, in…
Section 8: Prejudice, the $15 shooter available on Xbox Live and, as of today, PC, will deploy a new online game…
TimeGate Studios' downloadable first-person shooter Section 8: Prejudice becomes the first Xbox 360 game to allow…
Can TimeGate Studios possibly succeed with the downloadable sequel to a retail first-person shooter that nobody…
TimeGate Studios' downloadable multiplayer shooter Section 8: Prejudice will make the drop into Xbox Live Arcade on…
The solid game that hardly anyone played returns for round two next year in TimeGate Studios' Section 8: Prejudice.…
TimeGate Studios' Xbox 360 and PC shooter Section 8 isn't coming out until August, giving you plenty of time to…