Fumito Ueda showed off a small glimpse of his next game at the Game Awards 2024
The Shadow of the Colossus remake brings the PS2 classic to a new group of players, boosting up the graphics and…
Since Shadow of the Colossus’ remake released, intrepid treasure hunters have been locating new collectable coins…
Shadow of the Colossus’ remake does more than spruce up the game’s graphics, it also adds an entirely new…
Action RPGs like Fallout 4 and Skyrim have gotten VR versions, as has Doom, but The Last Guardian demo offers a…
Not content with one HD re-release, Team Ico’s classic Shadow of the Colossus is now making its way to another PlaySt…
The Last Guardian is a story about a boy and his giant monster friend, Trico. Using space, the game communicates a…
The Last Guardian is filled with magical moments, but none quite as magical as when the legendary winged cat beast…
Since the reveal of The Last Guardian, folks have been speculating about which one of the two main characters would…
If waiting seven years for the third game from Ico and Shadow of the Colossus creator Fumito Ueda has taught us…
Dutch art dealers Cook & Becker, no stranger to video game collaborations, are releasing two pieces of art that will…
ICO, a game that is as barren as they come, offers a small piece of solace when you reach a save point and a piece…
The opening cinematic ends as the camera transitions into live gameplay, and I’m given control for the first time.…
The sixteen gigantic creatures in Shadow of the Colossus are some of the most memorable enemies in all of video…
Shadow of the Colossus first came out in 2005. Since then, millions of people have played the beloved PS2 game,…
Honest! They're really gonna do it this time! Maybe.
Sony's press conference came and went last night, filled with pregnant pauses. None of those silences gave birth to…
IGN is reporting that, according to "sources" privy to an internal Sony meeting last week, Sony's The Last Guardian…
With artist AndyDaRoo on the pens and NormalColossus on research duty, we now have this striking image showing the…
It's in there with a few other demos for Sony's beloved PS2 console. I spotted this on my way into the office this…