Though she "did seem to get it," when lawyers for California and the games industry were arguing before the Supreme…
Justice Elena Kagan [back row, far right], whom Stephen Totilo said "did seem to get it" during oral arguments in Bro…
In this essay originally penned for First Things, Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput discusses the recent Supreme…
Most of the time, a Supreme Court ruling has its intended effect of being the final word on laws, be they good or…
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors…
Justice of the Supreme Court Antonin Scalia defends the Supreme Court's decision to keep violent video games in the…
When the mainstream debate turns to violent video games, it's inevitable that someone will dredge up Postal. It's…
Bots. Like it or not, they're part of online games like World of Warcraft. A U.S. court ruled on the legality of…
Is the solution to children playing violent video games bundling Family Game Night with a machine gun, a…
On November 2, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association…
This year marks the first anniversary of a Supreme Court fantasy league that a recent law school graduate from…
With Supreme Court arguments over the California game law beginning next month, the Video Game Voters Network has…
Yesterday evening saw the filing deadline for supporting briefs in Schwarzenegger vs. Entertainment Merchants…
As the entertainment industry rallies against the controversial California video game law, the Colorado State Board…
Booksellers, publishers, and authors along with the recording, advertising, arcade, and comic book industries rally…
Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor recently spoke a word of charity for video games, telling ABC News…
Jack Thompson's appeal of his enhanced disbarment from the Florida Bar hit a bit of a snag on Monday, as the Supreme…
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court considered ex-lawyer-mans Jack Thompson's request to help him get back to current…