Drew Scanlon is a video producer at Giant Bomb. He’s also a blinking white guy and the face attached to thousands of…
Starbound is massive. Here are some mods to help you make it massive-er.
The moment Starbound really clicked for me I was tunneling into the center of a planet. I burst through yet another…
Remember Starbound, the huge 2D exploration/building game that landed on Early Access a couple years ago? Well, it just got a massive update. It adds the ability to construct NPC-populated colonies. There are also 400 new micro-dungeons and improvements to pretty much every part of the game.
Starbound's big Winter Update, titled Upbeat Giraffe, went live on Steam overnight. Head over here for the full list of changes and additions, which is rather long—understandable, considering they worked on this patch for nearly a year. Read more
While the game already had giant monsters in the form of summonable bosses, this is an early test for "a huge…
This shot of an alien alpaca in a car has little do with Starbound's big upcoming Winter update, but it's still amusing. Speaking of the update, it's scheduled to come out in January, packed with content like tons of new items, a new playable race, ship upgrades, and more biomes. There's a trailer for it below.
Starbound turns one year old next week, and it's just as beautiful as on day one. The game has been getting regular updates since summer in the form of nightly builds—in this screenshot, lead developer Tiyuri is showing off a boat that may or may not end up in the game eventually. That sunset and those colors,… Read more
If I were the Doctor, I'd surrender too. Not even escaping to the Starbound universe could save the Doctor from the Daleks, who will hound him until either he or they are exterminated. (Redditor StarbounderBR is the one responsible for this fantastic build.) Read more
The developers of indie PC hit Starbound have had to call the authorities after it was discovered a sexual predator…
On Starbound's official site, Tiy, Chucklefish Games head honcho and lead developer for the side-scrolling sandbox…
Starbound is actually barely discussed in this one. Not that it matters. It's utterly brilliant either way.
It hasn't been a week and someone's already put the TARDIS from Doctor Who in Starbound. The game's also got other great mods since its December 4 launch, including a new Toxic planet type and a whole new family of gathering tools, all hosted on their own dedicated modding site—and this is just the first five days. Read more
Is Terraria too terrestrial for you? Does FTL not have enough tedious mining? Do you play Minecraft and just wish…
Welp, it's launch day for Starbound. It took almost two years.
Starbound's beta version will be available "around the fourth of December," according to lead developer Tiy's recent tweet. Mark your calendars, RPG/sandbox fans. Read more
Starbound is nearing its Beta release. The side-scrolling Terraria-like RPG which I just can't seem to shut up about just got an official blog post outlining its three-stage Open Beta program, which, according to lead developer Tiy, is "really not very far off now."
For goodness' sake, have some manners. They might be robots, but they still have feelings—as evidenced by this screenshot of a rather awkward situation in Starbound. Read more
One hour of Starbound for everyone. Over the weekend, at the UK's Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival, developers Chucklefish held a "world premiere" one-hour demonstration of their upcoming side-scrolling sandbox Starbound in the form of a Let's Play starring Duncan, Sips and Sjin of the Yogscast. Take a look above.