Robot Chicken is pretty damn popular. And it got that way by poking fun at popular culture. Movies, books, comics,…
EA only has a week and a half left to convince you that the Spore Galactic Adventures add-on is worth your time and…
Hot on the heels of this morning's announcement that the Robot Chicken team was providing downloadable adventures…
The secret behind the mysterious Spore WTF website is revealed, as Maxis announces day one downloadable content for…
While we're appreciative of the new weapons, how different can "protecting the oracle" and "defending the priest"…
Spore lead designer Stone Librande is touring the nation's top game design college programs to talk about Designing…
Spore: Galactic Adventures is introducing a lot of new stuff – planet editor, new segment of space exploration, etc.…
Spore's first expansion pack focuses almost entirely on the space exploration segment of the game, adding a layer of…
Forget Metacritic scores – the real test of Spore's popularity is how many people show up to their talk when Suda 51…
Its pretty much a whole new game added onto the already existing one, once the Spore: Galactic Adventures expansion…
One of the issues I had with the game was that it felt a bit too skeletal. Sure you could go from single cell to…
Super sim Spore will get its first expansion pack in the form of Galactic Adventures this Spring, according to an…