Turns out you don't need Humble sales or corporate collapse to get AAA games at indie prices. Gamefly has several…
We hear all the time that video games are a young medium, that they've still got so much untapped potential to wow…
It's coming up on the end of the year, which means it's time to start looking back. And amid the Kickstarter…
The studio responsible for the multiplayer component of Spec Ops: The Line, whose lead designer called it a…
You may or may not have heard this already, but despite outward appearances, Yager's third-person military shooter Sp…

Civilian casualties are rare in video games. Every real-life war results in a terrible loss of innocent life;…
Knives are dangerous, there's no doubt about it. If a person with a knife gets close enough to you, he can really…
Welcome to "Backhanded Box Quotes," a collection of super pissed-off user reviews from people just like you! Whoa,…
Spec Ops: The Line was only released this past week but Amazon is already discounting the game up to 50% for the PC…

Spec Ops: The Line takes place beneath a sea of sand, deep within the Arabian Desert. In the game's fiction, the…

It's starting to look as though game developers have moved their cinematic ambitions beyond the story of Charles…
Here is a video game soldier, rifle in hands, taking cover. A helicopter explodes behind him. The word "intense"…
Cheer up, soldier! 2K Games first foray into the military shooter genre hits retail on June 26 (June 29…
Might we be seeing soldiers cry—or, at least get very pensive—in Spec Ops: The Line? Maybe. It may be set in the…
Looking at a random aerial shot of Dubai might lead you to think you're looking at a future New York. Or London. Or…

Here's a new trailer for 2K's upcoming Spec Ops: The Line. Hrm.
Bullets pop out of the sand in front of me. They're going straight up. For a second I'm confused. I look up,…

Spec Ops: The Line is a little bit Heart of Darkness, a little bit Apocalypse Now and a whole lot of shooter…