We’re liveblogging Bethesda’s big E3 show, where we expect to see the latest from Dishonored 2, some Fallout, a…

The last time someone mentioned this tiny slice of Bethesda Softworks MASTERPIECE on Kotaku it was 2009. That can’t…
Commenter DeapGalaxy isn't an online multiplayer shooter fan, but he'd sure like to be. Help him find the perfect…
Following a traditionally content-crammed October and November, another year creeps to a close with few higher…

These are the closing credits of Bethesda's Rogue Warrior. And while he's not technically rapping - they're…
The slightly defaced ad for Bethesda's fall shooter Rogue Warrior, photographed by me at my local subway exit near…
Bethesda is gearing up for PAX 09 next week, packing up playable demos of upcoming titles and a healthy dose of…
These days loads of big Hollywood actors are appearing in video games. It's become normal. Heck, even Oscar nominee…
Last week, Bethesda Softworks gathered game writers in London to check out their upcoming titles during a two-day…
Rogue Warrior seems to be tapping into a feature-set perfected by 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand: Profanity.
The most impressive thing about the latest iteration of first-person shooter Rogue Warrior is what it used to be,…