It’s not uncommon for home and handheld consoles to get a drastic makeover in the years after their launch.…
Remember that one seasonal quest in World of Warcraft, where you have to find someone playing with a dwarven female…
Of all the race/sex combinations getting a graphical overhaul in World of Warcraft's upcoming Warlords of Draenor…
The PlayStation 3's virtual world transforms from tired curiosity to gamer theme park tomorrow, when Sony rolls out…

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If you've got a pulse and have visited Kotaku before, you probably noticed that the front page looks just a *tad*…
CGHUB's CharacterFORGE challenged artists to redesign Mega Man heroes and villains in the vein of dark age fantasy…
If you're the kind of shopper who makes a beeline for the game section of any store you enter, the reinvention of…