The most rabid player of PopCap's Plants Vs. Zombies series I know sat down next to me as I loaded up Garden Warfare…
Plants Vs. Zombies studio PopCap games has teamed up with the American Dental Association in an attempt to steal…
50+ layoffs at EA-owned Bejeweled studio PopCap, according to industry Tweets like this one. Update: PopCap comments.
The dead will rise and the vines will writhe come spring 2013, when Popcap Games finally gets around to releasing a…
An update to iPhone's Plants vs. Zombies hit today that adds the ability to play as zombies in the game, a new free…
To no one's surprise, the ever-present Plants Vs. Zombies is coming to the PS Vita. Sony and PopCap unveiled the…

Bejeweled 3 is an excellent video game. Normal people play it on computers. But special people—people who work at…
Google's latest stab at building a social network, Google+, has (as expected) added games to its ever-growing list…
Whatever Electronic Arts is spending to acquire PopCap, its casual gaming rival Rovio, the maker of Angry Birds,…
What will the $750 million buy out of PopCap Games, makers of Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled, do to the beloved…
The undead people behind one of PopCap's most popular games, Plants Vs. Zombies, welcome EA's acquisition of their…
Electronic Arts is in the Plants Vs. Zombies business it seems, announcing today that they have picked up PopCap…
The makers of Peggle, Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled are reportedly in the process of being snapped up by someone…
The makers of great, time-stealing games like Peggle and Plants Vs. Zombies are bringing one of their biggest…