If this is true (if!), somebody at CBS needs to update their company files. Though they get props for using a…
Talk of urinals and deodorant ads in games got me wondering how long people have been talking about in-game ads. I…
We've been writing about Final Fantasy this week, so how about we study how people used to write about this huge…
Before they were a part of Electronic Arts and bringing Dragon Age: Origins to the masses, BioWare was small and…
Inspired by Crecente's posts about Epic Mickey I went digging for some older Disney stories. That brought me to E3…
Racing gaming has always been a competitive genre. For a while, there was no contest. Fresh off this week's latest…
The PlayStation 3 may be expanding to 250 Gigabytes in the United States next month, but a mere 13 years ago…
Before video games were a threat to society at large, they were a threat to the hobby of model-making. We're not…
There's no room for you in the PSPgo, UMD. But, yes, Sony used to say you were awesome. That started six years ago.
The path to the episodic game was being paved at least a decade ago and someone wanted us to have the impression…
What does every gamer have to thank Sony for? Let's jump back a dozen years to recall a happy moment when games got…
It was just 15 years ago that designer Tim Schafer had to tell a reporter how one of his games differed from the…
There was a time when Sega was busy announcing its new 16-bit system — and making sure that didn't cast any doubt on…
Once a week, let's dig up an old bit of news and see what became of it. Today we've got Nintendo in 1987 predicting…