Defeating the ‘Blue-Eyed Samurai’ in Team Ninja’s open-world action RPG will net you a sweet armor set and a Nioh-ins…

Nioh 2 is a fantastic game, but it’s hard as hell, and if you’re new to the series it can be daunting. Here are a…

Here’s a very cool, hour-long behind-the-scenes look at how Nioh 2 was made, following director Fumihiko Yasuda around as he puts the finishing touches on the game.

PlayStation Europe has uploaded footage of the Nioh 2 closed alpha. Have a look! The game was announced last year at Sony’s E3 press conference. In case you missed it, check out Kotaku’s review of the first game.

2017 action-RPG and Geralt of Rivia lookalike platform Nioh (which was rather good) has a sequel, just announced…

Japan’s Prime 1 Studio has crafted a 24-inch statue of Nioh hero William. It’s nice! And expensive.

If I wrote a list of my favorite games of 2017, Nioh would not be on it, because I didn’t start playing Nioh until…
Nioh takes a lot of liberty with its historical setting but still maintains a large cast of famous warlords,…