I worry about Sony's new PSP. After the shock of the impressive visuals of Sony's next-generation portable, the PlayS…
Sony's already showed off its (apparently) proprietary PS Vita memory cards. At the E3 gaming expo, Sony showed…
The fourth installment of Sega's Virtua Tennis is coming to the PS Vita as a launch title. This is the third time a V…

Sony's sexy new hardware, the PS Vita, shows its joie de vivre in the portable's E3 reel. The PS Vita begins…
It's no longer the NGP. Call Sony's PSP successor PS Vita. Sony released a variety of publicity photos that show…
Sony's big E3 press conference wrapped up earlier this evening in Los Angeles, and while there wasn't much genuinely …
Hot Shots Golf for the NGP is everything you love about the series with some smart additions that lean heavily on…
Kotaku is at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, waiting with bated breath for the latest news from Sony on its…
Players have created more than two million mods and tracks on their own for popular PS3 kart racer Modnation Racers,…
It won't be official until it's unveiled on stage during Sony's E3 press conference, but bookmakers are surely…
Guns. Swords. Balls. The video games of E3 2011 will have all these and much more when the industry's annual…
Sick of military shooters, third-person action adventure and grinding for experience points? There's still something…
Sony's new gaming portable is priced just right, at least in the company's eyes. In fact, the NGP's price was…
At its pre-E3 event today, Konami revealed that Silent Hill 2 and 3 also would be getting the HD collection treatment

Sony uploaded a few videos today showing off some of the games from the newly detailed NGP lineup. In addition to…
Packed with more than 30 minigames, Little Deviants is the perfect game to get to show off all of the features,…
Pool title Hustle Kings was the least impressive of the NGP titles on display last month during our title with…
Futuristic anti-grav racer Wipeout is a great fit for portables. It was a launch title for the original Playstation…
Not all NGP titles are reinventions of games found on the Playstation 3. Sometimes, like in the case of Super…
Uncharted Golden Abyss is the best reason, but certainly not the only one, to buy Sony's still-codenamed Next…