Introduced in last week’s update, Warfronts are a new feature in World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth expansion.…

“Well, it’s more of the same” is generally my answer when people ask me how I’m enjoying World of Warcraft’s seventh…

Man, why did I waste two weeks questing through boring green hills for the Alliance when I could have been exploring…
After a week and a half of leisurely quest grinding, my diminutive Warlock has reached World of Warcraft’s new level…
Has the new World of Warcraft expansion’s endless questing got you down? Why not take a break from killing things…
2016's Legion expansion brought bold new features to World of Warcraft, changing the game in exciting ways. So far, t…
When World of Warcraft’s seventh expansion pack went live on Monday, Blizzard’s dramatic pre-launch events had whippe…

There’s only so much punishment a gnome Warlock can take, and I can’t take no more. World of Warcraft’s Battle for…
Here stands Clan Destine, level 70 red mage, ready to take on the ultimate story battle in Final Fantasy XIV’s…

Stormblood isn’t just a huge chunk of new content for Final Fantasy XIV. It’s the third game in an ongoing series,…
Since Final Fantasy XIV’s Stormblood expansion launched in early access on Friday morning, I’ve leveled a Red Mage…
I’d originally planned to run our World of Warcraft: Legion review today, but due to circumstances firmly under my…
Three weeks into World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion, and I’m still logging into my Druid every day to go on…

When you’re working through the post 110 content of World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion with one Alliance character…

After my first month in NCsoft’s martial arts MMO Blade & Soul I hit a wall. I wasn’t annoyed or frustrated. In fact…

It’s been a little over three weeks since I started playing NCsoft’s martial arts MMO import, and my desire to reach…