American and British spies infiltrated World of Warcraft and Second Life, using the games to monitor what they think…

What could possibly be more welcome than colorful geometric shapes with corners gently rounded for virtual safety?…

There's a lot to be said for text-based interactive fiction. It engages our imaginations so directly, and gets…

I've been lusting after Boldai's Blocksworld for months, eagerly seeking a sign that the colorfully creative…

Released today by Linden Labs, Creatorverse is a playground for the inventive mind. Connect simple shapes, assigns…

Rod Humble makes video games. He knows a lot of people who wish they could, and he's made it his job to help them.

If someone sat me down and presented me with this gorgeous Technicolor dream of a world building-game called Patter…
Second Life's merits as an actual video game may be debatable but its impact on the economy is not. It has, for…
Yep. If Second Life's involved, how could sex toys not also be involved? A manufacturer of, uh, intimacy aids has…
If your Kotaku comment made it into the talking points of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation panel a…
I've got a re-cap of last Saturday's Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation right here, but if you're looking…
Physically, you may not have been at EA Redwood Shores this weekend. But if you commented on to Justin Cole's op-ed…
A lawsuit filed in Arizona on April 17 charges Second Life creator Linden Lab and a slew of other individuals for…
Second Life creators Linden Lab have been shopping for shopping, acquiring virtual goods marketplaces OnRez and…
I was recently discussing the mainstream media's love affair with Second Life, and how the bloom appears to be off…
Remember when you couldn't drunkenly fall out of bed in the morning without landing on some kind of Second Life…
Lightspeed, a venture capital firm, checked out the average revenue per user for some casual, free to play MMOGs (Clu…
Ok, so virtual property disputes aren't exactly new, but there's a little wrap up on some of the current issues over…