Lightbox Interactive, the studio behind Starhawk, has shed some employees as it moves from the PS3 to iOS development.

Starhawk is a third-person shooter. Actually, scratch that, let me try again: Starhawk is a fighter-pilot game.…
You know what would be awesome? Warhawk, only in space. And we can name it after one of the most notable figures of…

Space-Western strategy-shooter Starhawk launches for the PS3 today. We've had glimpses of space dogfights, shooting,…

How does Starhawk for the PlayStation 3 seamlessly transition between twitchy spaceship shooter to strategic…
People love their splitscreen, don't they? When a deeply desired game releases without it, the moaning and bitching…

Attention, everyone: the signature move of Warhawk's spiritual successor has been anointed. The Property…
If you were one of the players of Warhawk—the spiritual predecessor to upcoming action/strategy hybrid Starhawk—…
That copy of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception you're probably going to buy anyway has an added incentive—one ticket…
StarHawk is one of the 2012 video games we're most excited about at Kotaku. We like sci-fi. We like sci-fi. We like…
Plants Vs. Zombies, PixelJunk Monsters, Command & Conquer: A lot of video games come to mind when you first play Star…
The long-awaited official reveal of Warhawk sequel Starhawk brought with it just as many questions as it did…

Following last night's official reveal of Starhawk, the interstellar sequel to/spin-off of Warhawk, Sony and…
It's been one of the worst-kept secrets in video gaming, but tonight it's been made official: there is a sequel in…
The follow-up to 2007 PlayStation 3 futuristic dogfighter/third-person shooter Warhawk hasn't been a well kept secret
This morning Dylan Jobe announced that he and other members of Incognito Entertainment have left the company to…