When I first met the co-founders of Yacht Club Games in October of 2016, at their sleek, ocean-adjacent offices in…
At E3 in June of 2015, the game designer David Crooks was hanging out across the street from the L.A. Convention…
One Friday afternoon a few weeks ago, the developers at Treyarch held a happy hour event to welcome the summer…
After Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the titular character went into retirement—both in the series’ fiction and real…
It wasn’t even supposed to be called Anthem. Just days before the annual E3 convention in June of 2017, when the…
Lucy’s relationship to Schroeder was unfulfilling. She craved emotional validation from the one character who was…
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake’s defining attribute is texture. Metal Gear shaped an initial world, and Metal Gear 2…
On November 2, 2018, Blizzard closed its annual BlizzCon keynote by announcing, to scattered applause, a Diablo game…
On March 25, 2015, the weather in Bellevue, Washington was just warming up enough to play hacky sack, a favorite…
In the final year of development on Red Dead Redemption 2, the upcoming Western game, the top directors decided to…
Metal Gear wants the player to fail. The game’s rough edges are part of the growing pains of an early genre, but…
Charlie Brown is hesitant. Marcie is shy. Lucy is cruel. Schroeder is aloof. But Franklin is just…perfect.
I hated fighting Faith Seed, the highest-ranking woman in Far Cry 5’s fictional cult. She was confusing, annoying,…
I never pass up the opportunity to drink in a game. I’ve visited every bar in The Witcher 3. I’ve filled Adam…
In mid-2016, a few months before the release of their first game, Mafia III, the developers at Hangar 13 in Novato,…
In the first years of my career as a games writer, I got used to a certain reaction from my parents’ friends when…
SAN FRANCISCO—Without his mask, Yoko Taro looks like anyone else at the Game Developers Conference. He has a thin…
Overwatch features characters with body types and backgrounds that are not often seen in pop culture, let alone…
It seemed like a surefire hit: a Star Wars take on Uncharted, published by Electronic Arts and developed by the…
Video games aren’t what kept José Muñoz in his parents’ basement for much of the past seven years, slipping into…