'The comments given by John Gibson are of his own opinion, and do not reflect those of Tripwire Interactive as a…
This is certainly one way to break in a game’s modding tools.
Valve's vast potato-based conspiracy explodes today, as GLaDOS and Portal invade the thirteen games that were…
While the church downstairs prepares to celebrate the Christmas season, Tripwire Interactive has been busy…
Mac gamers, fire up your installation of Steam today for some first-person shooter thrills, courtesy of cooperative…
The Mac faithful will have more than just Valve-developed games at their disposal when Steam makes the transition to…
It's a free Killing Floor weekend on Steam, as Tripwire celebrates the release of the free Level Up content pack,…
Tripwire Interactive is making the leap from independent PC developer to self-publishing independent developer,…
On the second floor of a non-descript church in Roswell, Georgia, the small team at Tripwire Interactive have been…
Killing Floor, the co-op survival game by Georgia's own Tripwire Interactive is now available for pre-purchase…
Following last Friday's announcement of their upcoming PC shooter Killing Floor, Tripwire Interactive sends along a…
Tripwire Interactive today announces Killing Floor, a co-op first-person survival horror shooter for the PC based…