Masahiro Sakurai, who helmed Kid Icarus: Uprising, recently showed off these two new Figma Kid Icarus figures of the…
Because, you'll pass out. While you might be keen to play another Kid Icarus: Uprising, game designer Masahiro…
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is a stylus controlled 3DS game. Unless you are press down as hard as you possibly can while…
Kid Icarus: Uprising as a game? Very good. Kid Icarus: Uprising as a thing to put on a stand? Eh...
How much to we value weirdness? How much weight do we place on eccentricity? There are so many video games that are…
If you thought the word "multiplayer" was a good way of describing the thing you do when you play a video game with…
I possess an official stand for my Nintendo 3DS.
It's been 21 years since the release of the last original Kid Icarus game. That makes hero Pit old enough to drink.…
Kid Icarus: Uprising is Nintendo's big 3DS game of early 2012. Hyped since the early days of the 3DS as one of the…
With "hundreds" of augmented reality (AR) cards being distributed across via special events, magazines, retailers…
When Nintendo announced Kid Icarus: Uprising at last year's E3, I remember the enthusiastic response from the crowd.… know...sigh. Whatever. Stuff like this won't stop anyone from buying Kid Icarus on 3DS. But stuff…
Who's excited about Kid Icarus? I sure am. But this ridiculous stand that's packaged with it? Nothankyou.
Nintendo's Circle Pad Pro attachment for the 3DS seemed, when it was first revealed, to be something of a panic…
Four big 3DS titles, including Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D and Resident Evil: Revelations, are getting free…
Nintendo laid out its game plan for the Nintendo 3DS well into 2012 at a press conference in Tokyo today, showering…
Originally planned as a launch title for the Nintendo 3DS, Kid Icarus Uprising, a sequel two decades in the…
Loads of big games will be at this year's Comic-Con. Nintendo is no exception.
In the first of three videos I shot of Kid Icarus: Uprising at E3, you can see here the efforts of one Swedish…