Commenter gametr4x loves hunting for bugs in PC games so much, he's got multiple email accounts set up so he can…
The founders of NetDevil left their Colorado-based studio recently to kick off another game developer start-up. END…
With more than a quarter of a million beta sign ups in North America and Europe, Net Devil's space combat MMO Jumpga…
Don't you wish you could just play a game trailer instead of the actual game? I mean, I enjoyed my hands-on time…
We descended into the depths of a hollow space station to try out the player-versus-player combat in NetDevil's Jump…
The special edition box set for NetDevil's Jumpgate: Evolution certainly doesn't suffer from a lack of space and…
Codemasters has released new screenshots and concept art featuring the true stars of NetDevil's Jumpgate Evolution…
Is that some special, dramatic way of asking who I am going to shoot? I only ask because both the trailer and the…
Last Thursday's Codemasters event had some major pluses and minuses. I'm counting Overlord II as a plus – and all…
Massively Mutiplayer Online games seem suited to space, which is probably why Eve Online is still around after all…
If there's one PC genre we can never have too much of, it's space combat. Codemasters and NetDevil know this, and…
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Actually, we weren't literally next to a warm-crackling fire, but it was right after we finished our play test of…
Following up on where we left off, the guys at NetDevil were merciful and — even though they caught Crecente trying…
Adam and I had a chance to run over to NetDevil's office last week to talk with them about their work on the…
Prepare for some intersteller MMO goodness. NetDevil, which is actually a developer 10 minutes away from where I…
Upcoming space massively multiplayer online game Jumpgate Evolution is getting its coming out party at this year's…
Jumpgate Evolution, proud project of Colorado-locals NetDevil, looks to be well past the first fifteen and nearing…
NetDevil's Jumpgate evolution is a concept that sells itself. Massively multiplayer Wing Commander, anyone? How…
I've been craving a decent space MMO (that doesn't put me to sleep - sorry EVE) ever since the demise of EA's Bed…