The Clymb, a flash sales website with a focus on outdoor gear, just raised two million dollars from an unlikely…
Entertainment & Devices is the division of Microsoft that makes the cool shit. Xbox, Zune, Windows Phone. Courier.…
An offhand remark in Luke's look back at the early vision for Xbox Live Marketplace brings us this week's challenge:…
You may not remember her, but Velocity Girl was one of the stars of E3 2005. Young, funky and a casual gamer, she…
J Allard may have left Microsoft, leaving us heartbroken in his wake, but he leaves with some solid advice for the…
The departure of two key men involved in the Xbox 360 from Microsoft won't cause major changes in the Xbox division,…
It's official. Our most beloved Microsoft exec, James "J" Allard, is leaving Microsoft after 19 years. The Boston…
Sources have confirmed to Kotaku that both Robbie Bach, the current head of all things entertainment for Microsoft,…
According to a report on The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft is looking to "shake up" the management structure of its…
Say. It. Ain't. So. Reports indicate that J Allard, a driving force behind the design of the Xbox (and the Zune) is…
J Allard, otherwise known as Dr. J Allard, otherwise known as the man we miss from the deepest recesses of our cold,…
It never rains J. It pours. Fresh from his honorary nod at Boston University, Dr. Allard has now been spotted as one…
J Allard has, tragically, been in hiding for some time now. And still is! But his name, at least, has come out of…
We miss J Allard! Real bad. We miss pudgy Allard, we even miss HD Allard. It was bad enough when he stopped hanging…