You don’t see much Hellblade cosplay around, but this shoot by Anna “Ormeli” Moleva and photographer Aku more than…
QUOTE | “When we see people innovate in an interesting and impactful way, we are very quick to figure out how to…
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice has been lauded for mind-bending cinematics and top-notch voice acting, but it’s worth…

Focusing on themes of grief and trauma, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice employs a number of level design and mechanical…
Games lie to us all the time. Recently, some developers took to Twitter to share a few of their ones, revealing…

Today on Highlight Reel we have Michael Bay chase scenes, ladders, photo bombs, hockey physics and much more!

I went into Hellblade expecting another fast, fun action romp from the folks at Ninja Theory, who previously made Ens…
When you first start Hellblade, a new game from Ninja Theory (Enslaved, DmC) that’s out today on PC and PS4, you are…

Ninja Theory’s upcoming action game, Hellblade, has a protagonist with expressions that actually look, well, human.…

Hellblade, Ninja Theory’s upcoming action game that explores mental illness, wants a protagonist that looks as…
We live in an age where people are cosplaying characters from games that aren't even out yet. Sometimes this is…

Usually, when you hear about games that never make it out into the world, you get a few screenshots. Maybe a trailer…

Is that Kai?! Is this what we've hoped for? A sequel for Heavenly Sword?