In advance of online support shutting down for Gran Turismo 5 at the end of May, Sony is removing all DLC for the game from the PlayStation Store on April 30. Some, but not all, DLC will be re-downloadable through PSN after then if you already own it. See this link for more details.

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Gran Turismo, reader Ilya made this tribute clip that rivals anything developers Polyphony Digital have made for the series over that time.

Despite what looks like a screenshot from the game, above, the E-motion concept car is not available to drive in Gran…
The latest Gran Turismo 5 update makes tweaks and improved the engine sound of the Honda Weider HSV-010. More here.
Surprised? Shocked? Eh, not really? At the China Joy gaming event in Shanghai, Gran Turismo creator Kazunori…
On January 17, Gran Turismo 5 owners will get two news pieces of DLC to purchase, one of them a pack with six new…
If you were one of those driving fans that passed up Gran Turismo 5 at launch in favor of waiting for a more…
Next week, Gran Turismo 5 owners will get access to a load of new vehicles, some for money, some for free.
With over thirty members, you'd think it'd be no biggie if AKB48's 17-year-old Yumi Wakatsuki was M.I.A. Yet, this…
Mary Pozzi owns a sweet 1971 Camaro. It's so sweet, in fact, that Gran Turismo 5 developers Polyphony Digital have…
Forza Motorsport 4 was released this month. It's a great game—a great-looking game, too. Gran Turismo 5, released…
Asia has Gran Turismo 5's latest downloadable content already. Europe gets it very soon. But in the US, it's been…
While we're still a week away from the big batch of downloadable content for Gran Turismo 5, the free 2.0 update…
Along with its big update, which is free, Gran Turismo 5 is also getting some paid DLC, which includes new cars, new…
PlayStation 3 racing sim Gran Turismo 5 continues to evolve with the promised "Spec 2" update, Sony and developer…
Polyphony boss Kaz Yamauchi has announced that an update to GT5, called Spec 2.0, will be out in the third week of…

Bugs happen. And since games can be patched and fixed, I personally don't think a few aren't that big of a deal.…