Venezuela is in the midst of an economic collapse. What was once the wealthiest major economy in Latin America is…
The vast majority of people playing a big-deal MMO probably view it as an escape, something to do when not clocking…
Gold famring boggles the brightest of minds, as Neal Stephenson discusses the inspiration for his novel Reamde…
North Korea has officially responded to allegations it supported a hacking network that allowed it to gold-farm some…
An awesome tale from Friday's New York Times alleges that Mister Fun himself, Kim Jong-il, finances his nookular…
Inmates at China's Jixi prison labor camp are tasked with backbreaking, mind-numbing work: mining rock, carving…
The FBI now is raiding homes looking for World of Warcraft gold farmers. The party van showed up March 30 at an…
Gold farming is the practice of harvesting crap in online worlds with the aim of selling it for real-world money.…
An analysis by a World Bank initiative recommends that gold farming - you read that right - is a substantial growth…
The makers of World of Warcraft have struck back at the game's gold-farming black market, convincing PayPal to…
A study by a student at the University of Minnesota suggests that gold farmers - the unscrupulous salt mine workers…
Yes, of course, there are gold farmers in China. But why?
Someone on San Francisco Craigslist is seeking to employ a Warcraft player 20 hours per week to help him get his…
Evony needs little introduction. If you're on the internet, at all, you've seen its intrusive banner ads pretty much …
Earlier this week, we brought word that the Chinese Government has tried to ban gold farming the reported $500…
Friday, the Chinese government attempted to address the reported $500 million gold farming industry, said to employ…