Yuffie Kisaragi, the beloved ninja from Final Fantasy VII, was the very first role Suzie Yeung read for and booked…

With the rest of Final Fantasy VII being remastered, retooled, or remade, it would be silly for the…

Yesterday’s most important Final Fantasy news wasn’t delivered at the end of Sony’s lackluster State of Play…
Square Enix doesn't just make video games. It also makes toys. Cool toys. Like these.
Japan is getting a new custom PS3, a limited Tales of Xillia one. This isn't the first limited PS3 for Japan. There…
Back in early 2007, Korean popstar Ivy released a music video that looked remarkably like Final Fantasy VII: Advent…
Not all televisions are built the same. For kicks, Japanese site Intermezzo compared the Final Fantasy XIII Blu-ray…
According to a report on Blu-Ray.com, this June, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete will be released in the…
Square Enix execs may be considering going the Prologue route with the PlayStation 3 release of Final Fantasy XIII.…
Click to viewSquare Enix announced at the DKΣ3713 event in Japan today that the Blu-ray re-release of Final Fantasy…