Kingdom Hearts III is an overwhelming melting pot of Disney cheer and anime excess. The franchise has previously…

As Final Fantasy fans across the world wait impatiently for FFXV, let’s take some time to celebrate an important…
Final Fantasy XV is coming to the PS4 and the Xbox One, Square Enix just announced.

After dropping off the face of the earth for over 1000 years, Square Enix's Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been once…
Final Fantasy Versus XIII sometimes feels like it's been in development forever. So let's pretend that it has. And…
Final Fantasy Versus XIII designer Tetsuya Nomura recently appeared on a Square Enix radio program and was asked the…
Where is Final Fantasy Versus XIII? It's right here in video game fandom, that's where.
Ah, the world of fashion! The clothes. The models. The typos? According to Japanese clothing brand Roen,
There was speculation that Final Fantasy Versus XIII would appear at Sony's PS4 reveal. Shinji Hashimoto, Versus'…
One day, the years-in-development Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be out. For the time being, keep your hope alive…
From the sound of it, Sony is unveiling the PlayStation 4 on February 20. Kotaku already ran a detailed look at what…
Back in 2006, Square Enix unveiled three games: Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII and Final Fantasy…
Don't get too excited just yet! It's only one Versus character (Noctis). And it's only one drawing. What's more, it…
Didn't see Final Fantasy Versus XIII at this year's Tokyo Game Show, did we? Nope! Well, Square Enix's Tetsuya…

While Square Enix recently confirmed that it is still making Final Fantasy Versus XIII and that it'll be out when…
There's an assumption that only women appearing in revealing magazine spreads in Japan. That's incorrect! Hunky…

At Final Fantasy's 25th Anniversary event yesterday in Japan, Square Enix thought it'd pull a fast one on the…
Square Enix is being tight lipped about Final Fantasy Versus. And from the sound of it, that game could still be a…
At Square Enix's 25th Anniversary event today in Tokyo, company honcho Yoichi Wada took the stage and briefly…