A new “Surprise Me” button will be added to the Xbox One’s game library, Microsoft announced yesterday on Twitter.…

In the year since Kotaku’s investigation into sexism at Riot Games, the 2,500-person company behind League of Legends…

Godzilla Resurgence, its first made-in-Japan ‘Zilla film in twelve years. The latest entry is a smash hit in Japan.…
Metal Gear is a series that’s (at least partly) about giant mecha and Cold War drama. It may be pure fantasy, but in…
For over twenty years, a video game has tormented mums, dads and office workers the world over. And it has nothing…
Flames coursing around my arms, I look at the Seattle police officer standing before me. He puts his gun on the…

Despite the amount of annoyance that console fanboys have caused me over the years as a person writing about video…
This is the story of how Mary Cusumano and her three sons continued one man's legacy. Against all reasonable odds.
With the phenomenal success of the Avengers still vibrating in the world's collective consciousness, the folks at…
When he got the vision floater in his right eye that morning at work, Mikey Neumann figured in the next 30 minutes…

"Obviously, I can't bring people back to life," Jon Jacobs recently told me. Obviously.

"Disco is NOT dead!" shouted Eddie Izzard as a disco dancer-in-denial in the ridiculous super hero parody, Mystery…

It was the hot, sticky summer of 1990. Japan's bubble economy, the period of rapid growth during the 1980s, would…

It wouldn't be Formula 1 without some kind of constant friction between racers, team owners and organizers, and this…

It's the oldest profession in the world, but even in the free and easy 21st century, prostitution is still…
Long hours, hard work, crap weather. Then there's the boredom, the long hours of boredom, followed by the bursts of…
There are approximately 100,000 hair follicles on the human head. Over the past three decades, video game…