Grand Theft Auto VI isn't the only major release we can't wait to get our hands on
After nearly a decade, the era of free monthly Xbox 360 games for Gold subscribers will soon end
Disappointed by Fable III? Even series creator Peter Molyneux now admits in an interview with Develop that "Fable III was a trainwreck". It's a good read if you want to see where it all went wrong.
What appeared to be a glitch earlier this morning is now intentional: Fable III is completely free for Xbox Live Gold subscribers (probably to promote the original game's HD re-release later this year). Just go to the title in the On Demand section of the Marketplace and you'll find it there for download. The game is… Read more
We're getting reports from readers that Fable III is currently available for free on Xbox Live.
Just like cats, man's best friend is a returning character in every genre. We've selected those video game dogs—from…
Emrah Elmasli is a Turkish concept artist who now resides in the UK, where he's done a ton of concept art for the…
Starting today, and for a limited time, an Xbox 360 bundle will go on sale in Canada that is, well, better than any…
Mike McCarthy, of Lionhead Studios, has for many a year now been working on the Fable series, bringing us some of…
With experience on both the PC and Xbox 360, Fable studio Lionhead is well aware of the pitfalls of both platforms.…
Fable III's PC version has been dated and, surprisingly, it's going to be available via Steam.
For those of you still excited at the prospect of playing Fable III on the PC after its long delays and, well,…
Game designer Peter Molyneux, he of Populous, Fable, Black & White, Kinect's Project Milo and lots of really great…
Only the best-dressed adventurer will survive the three new levels for Fable III in Traitor's Keep, the new…
In today's silent-but-deadly episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Inspector-Jones quietly sings the praises of…
The Fable series may be known best for its wild ambition, but the Windows Phone 7 spin-off keeps things perfectly…
We already knew that Fable III is coming to the computer, but Microsoft wanted to put worrying minds to rest but…
And the German Shepard and the Doberman. But be honest, all you really care about is adding a poodle to your Fable…
You've staged a revolution, you've saved the day. Now journey below Fable III's Bowerstone to discover the source of…