As the U. S. Supreme Court battle for free speech in video games closes in, conservative radio talk show host Rush…
On November 2, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association…
"Moral Kombat," the 2007 examination of violent video games by the brother of Entertainment Consumers Association…
Earlier this morning Kotaku reported on concerns from members of the Entertainment Consumers Association over the…
Does the Entertainment Consumer Association have the consumer's best interests at heart? The inability to turn off…
What's the most cruel, unfair, downright evil thing you've done in a game? Bitmob polled some industry types with…
The PAX panel, Game Culture: How Gamers Impact Society & How Policy Affects Gamer Culture, had some mildly…
If President Obama's rhetorical flogging of video games has you in high dudgeon, the ECA's built a form letter…
What's in it for you if you join the Entertainment Consumer Association? Well, now the $20 membership gives you 10…
In a wide-ranging interview with Crispy Gamer, Hal Halpin, the president of the Entertainment Consumers Association,…
The Entertainment Consumer Association today celebrates 24 months of consumer advocacy on behalf of gamers…
In a move I would like to think was spurred on by my startling revelation about the giant ice spider threat…
The ESA are in a pickle. E3 ain't what it used to be, and high-profile members like Activision, Lucasarts and id…
Technology columnist Mike Musgrove got Entertainment Software Association CEO Michael Gallagher on the horn (we got…
The Entertainment Software Association, already suffering from an exodus of member companies, took on Game Politics…
The Entertainment Consumers Association will now support chapter organizations created by its members, it announced…
Nonprofit advocacy group The Entertainment Consumers' Association is hailing the results of a recent Federal Trade…