E3 2008 is over. Finished. But Nintendo hasn't forgotten and is sending out thank you notes, thanking folks for…
E3 was pretty hectic for me, so I only vaguely remember Flynn and the GayGamer crew pulling me aside to answer me…
On Tuesday we posted the official Best of E3 awards, but do they really make a difference? Do what the critics feel…
You've had a chance to digest the raw data of who won what from the Game Critics Best of E3 awards. Now here's a…
Fallout 3 and LittleBigPlanet tied for the game with the most awards handed out for this year's Game Critics Best of…
Last week the Game Critics Best of E3 finalists were announced with much fanfare and debate. Today, I turned in…
"E3 this year, in my opinion, it was pretty much disappointing to everybody" id CEO Todd Hollenshead told me early…
The idea of going to E3 for me was nothing less than a dream come true, seriously. About a week before we embarked…
Let's just say we shant be getting any job offers to be Michael Pachter's trusted aide, as our incorrect guesses…
Each year journalists from 36 North America media outlets come together to select what they believe are the best…
During my practically nonexistent downtime, I wandered down to check out the offerings at the E3 installation of Indi…
We've chewed this topic to death, but it's always interesting to know how others see you. And The New York Times'…
Click to view Here's the E3 trailer for Naruto: The Broken Bond, the Ubisoft follow up to Rise of the Ninja on the…
In our last video featuring Sega of America's Simon Jeffery, the president of the company explains why we haven't…
Tecmo, sensing a disturbance in the fanboy force, sent out a preemptive email today explaining to anyone and…
God Hand 2? Viewtiful Joe 3? Not coming, at least not from the Platinum Games, formerly Clover, guys. But that…
Forget what you think about how those E3 pressers went, Xbox honcho Don Mattrick is here to tell you what he thinks.…
See Brian try to talk the head of Sega of America into launching Dreamcast 2 to take on the Wii.
Dreamcast 2? Seaman…
We explained it in detail, why Aliens didn't make E3. But it's so much more soothing hearing the news come in the…
Still The Sims, now with a shiny 3 after it. If you're interested in all things Simlish then you probably want to…