CCP has announced it’s shutting down Dust 514, its FPS set in the EVE Online universe, on May 30. The company is currently developing a follow-up, but unlike Dust 514, it’ll be PC-only. Read more
As compensation for its "longest downtime in quite a while," EVE Online is giving active accounts 50,000 unallocated skill points. Trial accounts got an extra week. "If you hear of someone doing or planning something bad, even if it’s your friend, we do have the PLEX for snitches program," publisher CCP said. Read more
EVE Online publisher CCP said in a statement that "at no time was customer data compromised or accessible," during a DDoS attack that brought down EVE and Dust 514 this weekend. "We will be looking at ways to compensate players in both EVE and DUST for the outage," CCP added. Read more
EVE Online says it has taken down its Tranquility server cluster—housing the MMO itself and companion game Dust 514—because of "a significant and sustained distributed denial-of-service attack." Tranquility has been down for 16 hours. At this time, not even EVE's web site is reachable. Follow EVE's Twitter for more. Read more
Jeff Miller is a 3D artist who works for CCP, the developers behind EVE Online and its FPS spinoff, Dust 514.
EVE Online is getting a television series, thanks to a partnership between the MMO's publisher and an Icelandic…
EVE Online's free-to-play PlayStation 3 persistent-world multiplayer shooter counterpart, DUST 514, is officially launching on — wait for it — May 14. Clever, CCP.

I've been looking forward to getting my hands on CCP Game's upcoming MMOFPS, Dust 514, for a long while. Why?…

"You are not alone!"
Galan Pang works as an artist at CCP's Shanghai studio, where he's done some amazing stuff for upcoming shooter Dust…
EVE Online and Dust 514 are now linked together via EVE's Singularity test server. Watch out for the ISK black hole!
For those who didn't purchase access earlier, or get their names drawn from CCP's hat after signing up on the web,…
Or, at least, it is in this great piece of concept art for upcoming shooter Dust514, done by artist William Chen.
The first beta event for CCP's free-to-play EVE Online tie-in for the PlayStation 3 kicks off this weekend. Players…

Fans eager to touch start fighting free battles for their EVE Online masters get their chance during the June 29 DU…
If you're not one of the lucky EVE Online players who own a PS3 and is already waging war in CCP's upcoming massive…

Dust 514 is an upcoming free-to-play first-person-shooter on the PlayStation 3 that will connect to the…
Concept artist Trevor Claxton has, in addition to working on projects like Magic the Gathering, also lent his…

The clip here is short, but incredibly cool.
Upcoming shooter Dust 514 is doing a lot of unusual things. It's a PlayStation 3-exclusive first person shooter that …