The following is excerpted from Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry, a new book from Blood,…

There's something inexcusably adorable about taking a virtual child, stuffing them into a big-headed, full-body…
Put a video game on the Nintendo 3DS and weird things can happen, including random pirate battles.

Between Disney's 1982 classic Tron and its flash 2010 sequel lies Tron: Evolution, the video game that seeks to…

Mickey Mouse is no Super Mario. He's the star of a more unusual kind of game on the Nintendo Wii, a game that starts…
That's So Raven's Kyle Massey and Jennifer Grey of Dancing with the Stars and Dirty Dancing fame show off their…
Artist Len Peralta commemorates this week's release of Epic Mickey by adding creator Warren Spector to his "Geek a…
Following in the footsteps of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter, Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean is the…
No matter how Propaganda Games' video game companion to Disney's Tron: Legacy turns out, it will always have two…
Disney's upcoming action role-playing game Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned has been canned and that…

According to Warren Spector, it isn't the story of Epic Mickey that's important; it's how you relate to the story.

I really wish Disney Epic Mickey was just a platformer.
Toy Story 3: The Video Game's toy box opens up the world of the upcoming movie to exploration, experimentation and…
I'm a fan of Disney Guilty Party and its "mystery machine".
Enough. I am officially declaring this Double Down-eating developer competition over. Electronic Arts may not have re…

This Sunday I facetiously suggested that an Activision game tester had claimed the world record fastest time for…
Routine trips to the airport will never be the same, now that Disney Interactive Studios has released a playable…
Think of it as Guess Who for the Wii set, or, if you're in mixed company and want to sound smart, maybe Mastermind.