Mirror's Edge was born to be high-res. The latest shots up at Dead End Thrills show Dice's first-person runner looking sharper than ever. Pleeeease don't let Mirror's Edge 2 suck, pleeeeease don't let Mirror's Edge 2 suck...
Just weeks after the game came out, the PC version of Watch Dogs can already look a lot better than it did at…
I never could get all that excited about Rage (this was at least partly due to that terrible name), but I did…
Killer is Pretty: There are a bunch of new games featured at the screenshot site Dead End Thrills, including last year's Killer is Dead. Turns out, that game's stylish art looks incredibly nice in high-res. Read more
Looking Good, Lara: The latest batch of HD PC shots up at Dead End Thrills focus on Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider reboot, and are looking mighty fine. Read more
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends, racing through super high-res backdrops! Read more
Yesterday, I spent an inordinate amount of time messing around with the nifty new photo mode in Infamous: Second Son.
BioShock Infinite has never really been wanting in the art department. So what better game to document with…
Grand Theft Auto IV may be almost six years old, but its age doesn't stop folks from doing all sorts of amazing…
If the best video-game screenshot artist around wants to spend a bunch of weeks cataloguing Dark Souls, that's just…
Dark Souls. Dark Souls? Dark Souls! Dead End Thrills is still at it, pulling down some dramatic new shots of Dark Souls, looking great on PC. Head over there for more. Read more
Dark Souls is a beautiful game in more ways than one. It's a terrific feat of design, for starters. But it's also…
Here's that DayZ wallpaper you were looking for, courtesy of the one and only Dead End Thrills.
DayZ isn't really a conventionally beautiful game, but it does have an austere quality that I find appealing. That…
"Some modders are making Morrowind in the Skyrim engine," they said. It's looking really good. And I listened to…
It's hard to believe DmC came out this year… last January feels like a hundred years ago. Ninja Theory's game…
Nope, these aren't photos of actual planes. They're video game screenshots.
This isn't quite a Last-Gen Heroes entry, but it could be, since Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West…
The Space May Be Dead, But It's Still Pretty. The latest from Dead End Thrills: Grandiose shots of Dead Space 3.
To this day, Batman: Arkham City remains a visually striking game. The grand, gothic feel of the comics was…