Mirror's Edge was born to be high-res. The latest shots up at Dead End Thrills show Dice's first-person runner looking sharper than ever. Pleeeease don't let Mirror's Edge 2 suck, pleeeeease don't let Mirror's Edge 2 suck...

I never could get all that excited about Rage (this was at least partly due to that terrible name), but I did

Killer is Pretty: There are a bunch of new games featured at the screenshot site Dead End Thrills, including last year's Killer is Dead. Turns out, that game's stylish art looks incredibly nice in high-res. Read more

Looking Good, Lara: The latest batch of HD PC shots up at Dead End Thrills focus on Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider reboot, and are looking mighty fine. Read more

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends, racing through super high-res backdrops! Read more

The Space May Be Dead, But It's Still Pretty. The latest from Dead End Thrills: Grandiose shots of Dead Space 3.
