As of today, George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire saga has a new chapter. It's not a chapter in a book,…

You know what would be awesome? A game that played like Dragon Age but featured locations and characters from…
Winter is coming. A Lannister always pays his debts. Incest kills the little children. Whichever Game of Thrones…
How did a game called Blood Bowl take this long to introduce an all-vampire team, and why aren't they turning to…
While one of the enemies in Plants Vs. Zombies used to play football, the undead abominations of the newly-revealed…
Cyanide Studios' Blood Bowl scores a retail release next year courtesy of SouthPeak Interactive, carrying the video…
After a bit of legal wrangling over Cyanide's last fantasy football release, Chaos League, the developer and Games…
Cyanide Studios' video game version of the classic tabletop fantasy football game Blood Bowl has a brand new…