Following a weeklong flurry of digital events, and a four-day spree of press conferences, E3 2021 will culminate in…

I finally finished Persona 5. It took us about 90 hours (I played with my wife) but it was worth every minute.

Under ideal conditions, BioShock Infinite’s speedrun should be a short rush full of shotgun blasts and level skips.…

The final installment in feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian’s look at the depiction of women in video games ran today,…
BioShock Infinite’s Elizabeth is cool, but she’s a lot cooler in the game’s DLC, which explains why so many people…
Tynan Sylvester is the designer of RimWorld, one of Steam’s biggest hits. He also wrote a book on game design and…

So there you are, minding your own business, when the CEO of Giant Game Publisher approaches you with an offer: he…

Is it exactly like the Columbia from BioShock Infinite? Nope—but that Columbia never had to survive nuclear…
We get it, Booker and Elizabeth are cool characters with neat outfits. But not every cosplay from BioShock Infinite…

In case you forgot, Valve's Source Filmmaker is an extremely powerful tool for turning games into movies.…
When first signs of life appeared for The Black Glove, it quickly became clear that the former BioShock devs…
The Black Glove, which is being made by ex-BioShock devs, looks like BioShock's zanier child, but it certainly…
When you look at Booker DeWitt - star of BioShock Infinite - on the cover of the game, you see a rugged man of…

The exterior of the Bank of the Prophet in Bioshock Infinites was one of the most memorable parts of the game, and…