Hello Kitty Island Adventure, a new cozy life sim, launches July 28 on Apple Arcade
Sorry, folks hoping to pull a Sasha or Shino card from ACNH's series 5 packs
Players are reporting that the new ordinance barely changes their islands' hours of operation
ACNH's 2.0 update gets a Pro Camera that lets you do more than just first-person view
Happy Home Paradise will cost around 25 bucks, here's what it contains
Here’s all the new things you can do on Animal Crossing’s newly-revamped Harv's Island
Animal Crossing New Horizons players just discovered a new glitch that lets them climb inside different objects,…
The Target-exclusive six-pack of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sanrio Amiibo cards went on sale this morning at 9am…
Animal Crossing: New Horizons will celebrate its one-year anniversary with cake delivered to all players in its…
After playing over 4,000 hours of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, 88-year-old Audrey at long last embarks on her deserted…
Animal Crossing games are meant to be played in regular, relaxed sessions, creating a life for yourself among the…
After a year of fumbling about in Amiibo Festival and Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing Amiibo figures and cards…
On the third floor of Nintendo’s U.S. headquarters, next to the conference rooms named after Mario and Donkey Kong,…
This new Nintendo Europe commercial starts out harmless enough. There are celebrities, there's some Animal…
Edberg Panganiban is now selling maybe the best Christmas stocking stuffer of them all: little resin Animal Crossing…
Screw municipal management. Nothing matters in Animal Crossing as much as what you’re wearing. So it’s exciting…
Available today for the Wii U as a free download, Animal Crossing Plaza is a community hub for the popular 3DS town…
Oh you beautiful green light, how I've missed you.
Tiny Cartridge has found a glitch that I've heard lots about recently, as it allows you to duplicate items in Animal…
This might sound rash. I'm going to suggest you basically demolish your island. Say your goodbyes, because you're…