Scribblenauts studio 5th Cell has announced Anchors in the Drift, a mobile adventure that lets players battle using a variety of play styles and classes, including thief, bounty hunter and tycoon. 5th Cell boss (and former Kotaku contributor) Jeremiah Slaczka tells us they’re aiming for a spring release and invites…
Back in 2009, a little game called Scribblenauts blew minds across the world with a single ambitious concept: you…
Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell laid off 45 employees today, following layoffs last week, the studio told me. Contrary to tweets, creative director Jeremiah Slaczka said they’re not shutting down. Latest layoffs are due to WB cancelling a Scribblenauts mobile game. Remaining staff is “tiny,” said Slaczka.
That's young Bruce Wayne, standing over the bodies of his dead parents. Tasked with giving the grieving orphan…

The new Scribblenauts is out, so grab your dictionary and go on some wacky adventures with your fave DC heroes, or make some insane superheroes of your own with the game's editor—the PC community already seems to be having lots of fun with that. Above's the launch trailer, and here you can find our impressions.
Here's exactly how my short play session with the upcoming Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure went at the…
There will be Supermen. Yep, in the plural.

Imagine a video game that includes 33 Batmans (Batmen?), 130 Green Lanterns and even Aztek The Ultimate Man. Imagine…
People howled when word spread that the creators of Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat were suing Scribb…
Oh man. The guy who created Keyboard Cat (Charles Schmidt) and the guy who created Nyan Cat (Christopher Orlando…
The unusual multiplayer shooter Hybrid continues the Xbox 360's Summer of Arcade this week and the guy who thought…
Forgot those launch day woes! Hybrid is up and running, waiting to defy gravity on your Xbox 360. Read more
Hybrid—the gravity-defying action title developed by Jeremiah Slaczka's 5th Cell's studio—is supposed to be…
As part of a (kinda random!) cross-promotional stunt, 5th Cell's upcoming Hybrid will allow for unlockable helmets…
Hey, Kotaku readers! I'm currently wrapping up development on our Summer of Arcade game Hybrid as we speak! If all…
You may have heard about the game journalist who wanted to be a game developer, but have you seen this Jeremiah…
The Xbox Live Summer of Arcade will be upon us soon, and one of the games coming with it is Hybrid, a multiplayer…

When Jeremiah Slaczka isn't answering your questions here on Kotaku, he's running 5TH Cell, the game development…

Owen Good asked, "What the heck are you all about, Hybrid?"
It's a futuristic third-person shooter being developed…