To: Luke
From: Owen
Reader Irving M. sent me that. It's like a big bag of Lay's. I can't watch it just once. Bet you can't either.
It's off to E3. By the time you read this I'll probably be in LA. Anyone coming to the party tonight, I will be there in the infamous I Heart Hot Moms shirt from Grand Theft Auto: DUI. Oh yeah, I cosplay myself. Wow, just blew my own mind there for a second.
Here's some highlights from the weekend of tomfoolery that was:
Microsoft Announce 60GB 360, Confirm 20GB Price-Cut
Super Chuck Norris Bros. - Wait, This is *Real*?
Rock Band 2 Gameplay Trailer
Predictions on the Future of Gaming
Game Marathons: Fad, or Going the Distance?
Why Korea Matters: Learning from Difference