On reflection, it’s bizarre how much Nintendo underplayed Tears of the Kingdom’s fusing abilities. Completely hidden in the earlier trailers, and really only vaguely hinted at before release, this addition of crafting to the Breath of the Wild sequel has been fundamentally game-changing. It’s also led to some absolutely astonishing creations, where player imagination and skill has shone.
The phenomenon was certainly predictable—give players any creative set of tools and some will always build the most astonishing, surprising and jaw-dropping inventions—yet it’s never any less exciting for it. In fact, since release, players only seem to be creating wilder and wilder things to do everything from torturing Koroks to simply messing around and finding out.
We’ve put together a selection of some of the most impressive and surprising creations, innovations, and acts of ingenuity we’ve seen recently, because Tears of the Kingdom is the gift that keeps on givin. And we’re sure you’ll have seen many more, which hopefully you’ll drop in the comments.