2024 was a year filled with good games, especially if you looked beyond the biggest AAA releases and played some of the amazing indie titles and smaller games we got over the last 12 months. But there were some bad ones, too.
Light and dark. Left and right. Pepsi and Coke. One needs the other to exist. The best games are only great if we can compare them to mediocre or awful games. And 2024 had plenty of so-so or downright horrible games, too.
So let’s take a look at some of the worst-reviewed games of 2024.
But before we do that it’s worth repeating: Liking a “bad” game isn’t a bad thing. Numbered scores come with all sorts of asterisks and caveats, which is part of the reason we don’t use them here. And Metacritic’s aggregate isn’t perfect by any stretch. If you see a game on this list that you happen to love, it just means you have a different taste than a bunch of other critics or players. That’s fine! Enjoy what you like and don’t be an asshole about it and everything will be fine.
Now, as we’ve done before, here are the 10 worst-rated games on Metacritic with at least seven reviews.