I sort of regret talking up this new footage from Sherlock season 3 yesterday, because with all said and done today there's not really that much to it. Still, a little Cumberbatch is better than no Cumberbatch at all, right?
There are a few shots of Holmes looking smug and contemplative (his typical moody M.O.) and saying things like "The thrill of the chase—the blood pumping through your veins" and "Just the two of us against the rest of the world!" (best bromance on television). But mainly this footage just makes me want to explore all these other amazing-looking BBC shows. Good trailers will do that, I guess.
As a Whovian, I'm more tickled by the glimpses of David Tennant. I miss that guy! And no, I haven't watched Broadchurch yet.
Side note: is that Sigur Ros on the soundtrack?