10 Minutes From The Last Of Us Part II’s Roguelike Mode
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11 Essential Tips For TLOU 2's Roguelike Mode, No Return

11 Essential Tips For TLOU 2's Roguelike Mode, No Return

Don’t approach combat in this new mode like you would in the main campaign

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Ellie points a gun off-screen next to a burning molotov cocktail.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

The Last of Us Part II Remastered’s roguelike mode No Return requires rethinking how you play Naughty Dog’s stealth action game. Some of the standard principles of The Last of Us Part II gameplay are the same, but the randomized encounter structure means you have to get a little creative with how you’d typically fight Infected as Ellie or Abby. So if you’re planning to jump right into the new mode, here’s some sage advice from someone who’s put about a dozen hours into No Return.

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Unlock every playable character first

Unlock every playable character first

The character select screen shows Ellie.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

No Return features ten playable characters, each of whom has a default starting loadout and can get different equipment drops between encounters. Unlocking them is a bit time-consuming, as you’ll have to play a run or two as the base game’s characters to gain access to new ones. You’ll start with Ellie and Abby and unlock more characters as you complete encounters. This structure lets you get a feel for each character as you work towards unlocking the next, and it’s a good way to determine who best fits your playstyle. So while you might feel attached to Ellie and Abby, if you’re looking to get the highest scores possible, it’s best to try every character out. The full list of playable characters includes:

  • Ellie
  • Dina
  • Jesse
  • Tommy
  • Joel
  • Abby
  • Lev
  • Yara
  • Mel
  • Manny
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Understand every character’s perks and weaknesses

Understand every character’s perks and weaknesses

Joel chokes out an infected.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

Part of figuring out which character best suits you is understanding everyone’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. Ellie’s kit is more geared towards stealth than Abby’s close-combat arsenal. Joel can’t dodge like other characters but is tankier than all these young ‘uns. A character might start out with your favorite gun, but each of them has something else worth considering built into their playstyle. So if you find yourself gravitating toward close-quarters fights, Abby might be the ideal pick for you. If you want to handle enemies at range, Tommy’s rifle may be more up your alley. Try everyone out at least a few times until you find out who best fits your tendencies.

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Stealth is a luxury

Stealth is a luxury

A clicker approaches Lev.
Image: Naughty Dog

I had more trouble in No Return as a player who prefers a stealthy approach, as several of the mode’s encounter categories put you on the defensive by default. The Last of Us Part II’s main story typically structures fights so you can start out in stealth and go loud if you need to, but No Return has several encounters with aggressive enemies that lock onto you as soon as they spawn, which makes a stealth build harder to utilize over one that’s all about raw firepower.


The Assault encounter mode has enemies spawn with a general awareness of you, but they can still be taken out quietly. But then there are others like Hunted or Holdout, where enemies know exactly where you are and swarm you. Neither of those is the best place for a bow or silenced pistol. So while you may have tried to play The Last of Us Part II stealthily in the original campaign, No Return makes that a non-option. So buy weapons and upgrade accordingly.

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If you can afford it, always buy a Trading Post Re-roll

If you can afford it, always buy a Trading Post Re-roll

Ellie looks at the Trading Post.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

You might find yourself stuck with less-than-optimal weapons and equipment at times because that’s how randomized weapon drops play out sometimes. Luckily, every time you check the store, you’ll be able to buy a re-roll that will give you another set of weapons, recipes, or items. These will be random, but a re-roll is at least a cheap opportunity to give yourself a better shot at surviving the next fight.

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Don’t get attached to your builds

Don’t get attached to your builds

Abby points a gun at incoming Infected.
Image: Naughty Dog

Despite offering more choice when it comes to character build and strategies, No Return is still a roguelike, which means sometimes you’ve gotta work with what you’re given. You might feel some reservations about using currency and upgrade supplies for fear that your favorite weapon might be waiting for you at the next drop. But don’t get so caught up in an ideal build that you don’t take advantage of what’s in front of you. Buy that rifle, even if you’re waiting for the shotgun or silenced SMG. If you don’t have a long-range gun, it will be better for you to have one you like a little bit less than nothing at all. This is especially important in early encounters, as you’ll find yourself in sorry shape if you’re not investing in something early on.

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Learn your own strengths and weaknesses so you can strategically pick encounters

Learn your own strengths and weaknesses so you can strategically pick encounters

Ellie looks at a No Return route on a corkboard.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

No Return has branching paths, so if you find yourself excelling in certain encounter types, you can choose to take the route that starts with the kinds you do best in. The random weapon drops mean you need to account for both your own playstyle and what equipment you’ve got on hand.


Each of these varied encounters will also have you facing a different faction with their own strengths. Infected are more predictable than human enemies, but Clickers have a one-hit kill that can end an entire run in a second. The WLF forces have more weapons at their disposal, but you don’t have to worry about one of them one-shotting you. It’s all about weighing the pros and cons of an encounter before you make a decision about which route to take.

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Reminder: Infected can’t perceive your flashlight

Reminder: Infected can’t perceive your flashlight

Ellie points a gun at the Rat King.
Image: Naughty Dog

Some of No Return’s randomly determined maps are dark, and you’ll want to use your flashlight to see in front of you. But because how you start a fight can be instrumental to the outcome, you’ll have to be strategic with flashlight use. Keeping it turned off when facing human enemies is a good rule of thumb, but remember that Infected enemies, no matter what stage of cordyceps infection they’re in, don’t perceive flashlights. So if you’re in a dark place and hear clicks echoing in the distance, don’t turn off the flashlight. There’s no reason for both you and your enemy to go into the fight blind.

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The brick/bottle melee combo will save you

The brick/bottle melee combo will save you

Ellie strikes down a Seraphite soldier with a melee weapon.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

One of The Last of Us Part II’s secret best combat maneuvers is an inexpensive and easy-to-pull-off attack: the brick/bottle throw followed by a melee strike. In a stealthy encounter, throwing a brick or bottle is a good way to distract a group of enemies. In No Return, they’re an easy way to take out enemies fast. If you throw one of these directly at an enemy, you’ll stun them for a few seconds, leaving them open to a one-hit kill. It’s an underrated move, and given that you can find bricks and bottles all throughout No Return’s arenas, it’s one of the best ways to handle an isolated enemy.

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Grab the Melee Upgrade Recipe the second you see it

Grab the Melee Upgrade Recipe the second you see it

Ellie wields her switchblade.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

Speaking of melee, you should buy the Melee Upgrade Recipe the second it shows up in the shop. This will make melee weapons last longer, as it repairs an object and gives it another round of durability before it breaks over an enemy’s head. Once you’ve added the recipe to your crafting menu, save it until your melee weapon is on its last hit for the most value.

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Don’t get too precious with your resources

Don’t get too precious with your resources

Ellie holds a bat while covered in blood.
Screenshot: Naughty Dog / Kotaku

This goes hand-in-hand with not getting too attached to a specific build, but broadly, don’t be afraid to spend your money, supplements, and weapon upgrades when you get back to the hideout. If you survive an encounter, the rewards you get are pretty generous, and you can usually purchase new upgrades and supplies every chance you get based on those alone. So don’t hoard those in your backpack. Try to have at least one or two new tools in your kit next time you head out.

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Pick up as much as you can after you complete an encounter

Pick up as much as you can after you complete an encounter

10 Minutes From The Last Of Us Part II’s Roguelike Mode
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10 Minutes From The Last Of Us Part II’s Roguelike Mode

Grabbing supplies as you sneak around is pretty standard in The Last of Us Part II, but when you’ve completed an encounter, you’ll get a few seconds of free rein to run around an arena before you’re transported back to the hideout. The second you take out the last enemy, you need to start running around and picking up anything you can find. See some alcohol in the distance? Book it to that before time runs out. Don’t spend precious time looking around for something specific. You need to pick up whatever you can in the few seconds you’ve got.


No Return remixes a lot of The Last of Us Part II’s combat mechanics, but ultimately, the goal is still the same: Survive with whatever you can. These tips can’t account for every combination of encounters, enemy types, weapon drops, and characters you’ll come across, but at the very least, you hopefully have a sense of how to put your best foot forward as you enter the neverending cycle of carnage.
