Nearly every conversation I’ve had about Baldur’s Gate 3 this year has started with a series of questions: “Can I see your character? And who are you romancing?” More often than not, I’m more interested in hearing how the characters people make and meet are helping them write their own stories than I am talking about the nuts and bolts of their puzzle solving and combat dice rolls.
That’s because some of my most memorable video game experiences have been intimately tied to the personalities of the heroes I inhabited, the companions I met, and the foes we faced. 2023 has been rightfully touted as one of the best years for video games (though torturous for the people who make them), and some of its most memorable games have centered on captivating characters, their intriguing stories, and how even the most fantastical, larger-than-life hero can also embody the triumphs and struggles of just being a person in everyday life.
As we reach the end of 2023, we wanted to look back at some of the best characters we met along the way, and highlight some unsung heroes from the year’s best games. Without further ado, here are some of the most memorable characters in the video games of 2023.
There will be some spoilers ahead, of course.