The 2014 Pokémon World Championships, held in Washington DC, finished up earlier today, leaving the planet with six new Pokémon Masters across both video games and the card game.
Those champs are:
TCG Junior Division World Champion: Haruto Kobayashi, Japan.
Video Game Junior Division World Champion: Kota Yamamoto, Japan.
TCG Senior Division World Champion: Trent Orndorff, United States.
Video Game Senior Division World Champion: Nikolai Zielinski, United States.
TCG Masters Division World Champion: Andrew Estrada, Canada.
Video Game Masters Division World Champion: Se Jun Park, South Korea.
If you're wondering, why three divisions? Well, it's kinda hilarious: the junior division is pretty obvious, it's for the kids. The "masters" division, a term usually used in sports to denote people in their 40s+, is in this case for contestants "born in 1997 or earlier".
Leaving the "senior" division to be tackled by those born between 1998-2001.