We'll still be at Comic-Con for a good portion of the weekend, so who knows what we'll be playing? If we had our…
Being surrounded by the latest and greatest future releases the video game industry has to offer might lead one to…
Play? Video games? Not this weekend, pal. There's far too much to get done for E3, which for the Kotaku staff,…
What are you playing this weekend? On a Thursday? Sorry, but we got some independence to celebrate. That's what…
While wrangling coverage of Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational will consume a portion of my weekend, spending more…
With the new changes to the Pyro class in Team Fortress 2, it's time to blow the dust off the PC—something I've been…
Me? Metal Gear Solid 4 obviously! I'm only a few hours in, right when Snake starts battling the space aliens and all…
The only gaming I'll be doing this weekend will be in the form of low stakes blackjack and pulling some one-armed…
Another blown "What Are You Playing This Weekend?," another chance for "What Did You Play This Weekend?" on a Monday…
This is weird. I feel like I don't have anything to play! It's Memorial Day weekend and, in the tradition of takin'…
I'm about to beat feet to a Sony Computer Entertainment America related event, so who knows what I'll be playing this…
Last night we had a bit of a gaming bender at Kotaku Towers West, a night filled with Wii Fit, We Ski, and Rock Band.…
Look, I'm very sorry about not having readied a What Are You Playing This Weekend? post this past Friday. Thank the…
Having stayed up way past my 8 PM bed time last night curled up with a cup of chamomile, my wooby and a copy of Team…