By now, you’ve probably heard of a little game called Undertale. You may also have heard that it’s good. Good news:…
For the last few months, video game website GameFAQs has been hosting a huge poll called “Best. Game. Ever.” It has…
Talented artist Orioto redrew a great scene from the wonderful JRPG-inspired game Undertale.
Undertale, the Steam RPG hit where you don’t have to kill anyone, is loaded with secrets. Dedicated players have…
Undertale has finally hit the bigtime. The hilarious, sometimes moving RPG led one gamer’s concerned parent to call…
People don’t just like Undertale; they love it. This game is personal for them. It’s personal for me, too.
Some games have fans. Undertale, the RPG in which you don’t have to hurt anyone, has a bonafide fandom. They make…
Undertale is an RPG where you can talk your way out of every battle. It’s amazing. And yet, that might be the least…
Undertale made me grin until my face hurt. Then it broke my heart. And that was just the prologue.