Between the Michael Bey-bot designs and Hasbro's heavy focus on simply transformations, the Age of Extinction toy…
Magic: The Gathering has, over the years, lured some of the best fantasy artists on the planet to draw some of the…
As the tagline for the Kickstarter video says: “How is this not a thing yet?”
This impressive Game of thrones figure will go up for sale this weekend. Standing 8.7″ tall, he includes…
The Rubik's cube was first invented by Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik in 1974. Google is commemorating this…
These aren’t official but by God they should be. This set of models are the work of Dan McCormack who seems to be…
Red might be one of the best trainers to ever live in the Pokémon universe, but when he's chibified into a toy like…
Not counting whatever insane garbage he's been up to in the ten years since I stopped watching the show, I always…

In the Transformers Animated universe there exists a pair of Cybertronian plumbers who bear a striking resemblance…

That's a pretty accurately designed 24" long Onix that dug itself up out of Amphygory Design's 3D printers.…
threeA is one of the best toy companies on the planet. threeA has the license to make big, expensive Titanfall…

Teasers went out a few weeks ago and now it's time to see what the next evolution of Disney's hit collectible toy…
McDonald's has been kicking child-sized value meal ass as of late. Fresh off of a double team of Skylanders and My…

Growing up on the outskirts of a big city in the late '70s, the traveling carnival was a magical event, a chance to…

It'll be hard to be a pet in a household where one of these smart, remote-controlled baby dino robots can run around…
For all the toy lovers out there, yesterday was all about the new Skylanders game. But let's not forget about Prodigy…

The next major installment in Skylanders, Activision's wildly popular toy-video game mashup, is called Trap Team, the…
It's been a while since I've reviewed any of the awesome Movie Masterpiece figures from Hong Kong collectible toy…
It wouldn't be Easter without candy, and it wouldn't be a Sunday evening at Kotaku without LEGO. Let's kill two…

Raise all 29 toy-based characters to level one in Disney Infinity and you'll score a glowing green Star Wars…