Despite having worked on everything from furniture design to rock concert props (and even directing his own films),…
If you think messing around with the user-interface of a modern console, or even a modern iteration of Windows is…
It was 1992. I was at my friend Paul's house, playing games on his mighty 486 PC, and we'd just finished a…
Hacking attacks and digital theft have been in the headlines a lot lately, whether it be the loss of user details on…
Sony's fictional executive Kevin Butler has won himself a legion of fans. Which is great! Kevin Butler, though,…
It’s one of the most iconic designs in the history of video games: three golden triangles combined to form a single…
Xbox Live Arcade is credited with popularising the notion of downloading console video games. Other consoles, like…
Like any other artistic medium, most video games "borrow" content and ideas from other titles. That's how…
I know we recently took a look at the "forgotten" art of the video game title screen, but those were contemporary…
July 15, 1983. If that's your birthday, happy birthday! If it's not, that's cool. It's still a very special date in…
The Mario movie we ended up with in 1993 was nothing like the games it was based on. An earlier draft for the film,…
Of all the studios Electronic Arts has bought over the decades, few were as talented or important to the history of…
Despite the fact they only appeared in one game (Sim City 2000), arcologies remain an iconic symbol of the Sim City…
As we celebrate what's (probably? maybe?) Donkey Kong's 30th birthday, let's today take a look at the 1983 court…
Today, we're looking at The Last Ninja. The first "badass" game I ever played, and still one of my all-time…
Long before golfer Tiger Woods thought it'd be a good idea to go sticking his dick in anything with a hole and a…
There have been plenty of video games made featuring American heroes. Day of the Tentacle, for example, is full of…
It's a slightly sad quirk of video game history that id Software's Wolfenstein 3D is lauded as a masterpiece of…